Sponsoring a Personalized Honor and Sacrifice Flag:

Over the last several years, many have come to us and asked if the Honor and Remember Flag could be presented to families of those who have given their lives in public safety communities. Recently in light of the increased firefighter and law enforcement line of duty deaths, the number of inquires have increased. Even though many of those who died may have been former members of the U.S. military, those lives do not fall under the established criteria for receiving an Honor and Remember Flag, which is;
“Military service members who have died while serving, or as a result of serving.”
However, as Americans we realize that those who give their lives to preserve both our freedom and security through service in public safety must be individually recognized. As an organization, Honor and Remember, Inc. has primarily been focused on our military-oriented mission. Nevertheless, our primary goal is to promote an overall message of honor toward all who unselfishly serve to protect our way of life.
Through the establishment of the Honor and Remember Flag and its personalized design, we have empowered the public to render tribute with a beautiful and tangible gift: a statement of thanks that is unique and personal to each family.
It is with this same sincere intention that the Honor and Remember organization, working in conjunction with public safety professionals, has designed an additional distinct, targeted and meaningful personalized symbol: the Honor and Sacrifice Flag.
Unveiled on the 15th Anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, this flag was developed specifically to honor those fallen in all communities of public safety. The Honor and Sacrifice Flag allows all Americans to express a specific statement of thanks in memory of those who heroically gave their lives and to those family members who grieve their loss.
Our mission of honor will never waver and it is our hope that those public servants who stand in the gap preserving the rule of law and our personal safety will never be forgotten.
While it is not Honor and Remember’s sole mission as an organization to perform public presentations of the Honor and Sacrifice Flag, we make it available for others to do so. If you are interested in specifically honoring the family of a fallen public servant in your community, please consider sponsoring and presenting a personalized Honor and Sacrifice Flag.