A month-long 24/7 running tribute to our nation's fallen heroes....
Every year we are more amazed at the lack of understanding of the meaning and importance of Memorial Day. It is perhaps one of the main reasons that the Honor and Remember Flag exists; establishing a national expression of appreciation. Families who have given their loved ones in the service of our country do not need a set aside day to be reminded, every day is Memorial Day for them. What Memorial Day has become is a reminder of how many of those around them don't take the time to care. The Families don't need to be reminded of the sacrifice, we all do.

Several years ago Honor and Remember dedicated the month of May to be named Honor and Remember Memorial Month. It was established to encourage everyone, during this fifth month of the year, to focus on hometown military fallen heroes, all thirty-one days. It was the hope that if we embrace daily remembrance, by recognizing specific heroes each day, that by the end of the month we would have enough names honored to punctuate the reason why Memorial Day exists. There are entire movements in this country to bring back the true meaning of Memorial Day.
Although our mission is 365 days of public recognition of sacrifice, Memorial Day does give us an opportunity to speak more directly to the apathy we know exists. In order to emphasize this tradition of remembrance, at the start of each May, we begin a series of State Run for the Fallen events across the country. These runs are all contained to specific locations and have not been structured for national participation. With many states not yet organized we needed to create a program and platform for everyone.
May Memorial Marathon is a New Nationwide tradition that we began in 2020 and continues every May. A 24/7 Memorial Marathon. At least one committed runner with sneakers on the ground every minute of every day for 31 days, in Honor of Fallen Heroes from every generation.
Together our efforts in May 2020, made the First-ever 24/7 Nationwide Military Tribute, the May Memorial Marathon a Historic Remembrance!
- Over 1,200 Participants
- 5051 30-min Slots Taken
- Approx. 25K+ Miles Ran for Fallen Heroes
Think of it as a virtual relay, one time slot participant handing off to the next in a contiguous tribute chain. Honoring and remembering each hero individually by name or collective as a group. Our goal is to fill every available time slot for the entire: 31 days, 744 hours, 44,640 minutes, 2,678,400 seconds.
The Annual May Memorial Marathon covers the entire month, can you dedicate 30 minutes or more to Heroes that Sacrificed their Lives, their Tomorrows for our Freedoms?
How does it work? - sign up to Run, Walk, Bike or Ride for 30 minutes– you pick the day and the best time for you. Your name will then be posted on our Calendar Wall as a committed runner for that time slot. We ask that you decide on heroes from your area and we will post that info as well. What we are creating is an unbroken relay chain of remembrance.
Who can I run for? Run for any fallen hero you know, select someone from your hometown or simply run for the fallen as a group. Additionally, you may find information on recent heroes with our search engine by name. HEROES SEARCH.
Or visit any of our State Run Sites and click on their Heroes Link. Most importantly, say their names out loud as you participate!
Can I run more than one slot? - Absolutely, however, we would like to involve as many individuals as possible. That means having committed participants every half-hour for a total of 1488 half hours. If you would like to run from 3-3:00 am every day all month then sign up that way.
What if a time slot is already taken? - Just because a time slot has someone's name does not mean you can't add yours in that spot. There are 1,200 open slots per day and 37,000 for the month. We are hoping for thousands of runners with many overlaps. We do however need to fill every open segment. Realistically, the Calendar App can handle up to 50 participants in any ONE time period. The more runners the more Heroes are remembered. View Sign-up Calendar Here!
Is there a cost to participate? - Absolutely not, you may sign up knowing you are committing to running a particular day and time on the honor system we know the time slot is covered. We would gladly accept a donation to promote the cause!
Is there Bling? - If you are familiar with Honor and Remember our parent non-profit organization, then you understand that our mission is national and all-encompassing. The financial needs are many and any help in offsetting costs is appreciated. With that being said we have designed for purchase a beautiful Run for the Fallen cloth patch or Runner's hat which shows your support of our national mission. In addition, this year we have created a special participation Medal and T-Shirt! Very limited quantity, and soon we will release the link for the MEDAL and SHIRT.
What do I do when I'm done? Great question, we want to capture the honoring of every hero so be sure to take a photo or video and along with a pic of your hero post to our FB pages Honor and Remember - Official Page and Run for the Fallen pages. Please use the Hashtags #run4fallen and #memorialmarathon or attach to an email and send to contact@runforthefallen.org
We need your commitment! Pick an open time slot, grab a friend, organize a group and let's raise the bar. Dedicate yourself to the perpetual tribute of those that gave so much.
We hope you will join us in saying "I am honored to remember our military fallen heroes and their families. I participated in the May Memorial Marathon."