Are you a family of a fallen service member? Request a Flag ⇒
Looking to help honor a fallen service member? Sponsor a Flag ⇒

The following is a simple list of things everyone can do to spread the word about our mission:

1.Be sure that everyone in your sphere of influence (i.e. relatives, friends, co-workers, church and organization members, etc.) know about the Honor and Remember Flag. Encourage them to go to our web site, like us on FaceBookTwitter, Instagram and our YouTube channel.  Also visit and sign the petition. Please make everyone aware that we offer a variety of flag sizes and merchandise to outwardly display their support at

2. Encourage organizations that have a flagpole (i.e. businesses, churches, veterans groups, etc.) to purchase and fly the Honor and Remember Flag. Wherever you see an American flag flying is a potential location for the Honor and Remember Flag.

3. Write a letter to your city council requesting that it adopt a resolution officially recognizing the Honor and Remember Flag. Many cities across America have done this and are continuing to do so.  Most city council’s have a sample resolution on file and will modify it for your needs.  We can help you with any legislative wording.

4. Contact your state representatives and ask them to seek a resolution adopting the Honor and Remember Flag at the state level. There are many states that have already endorsed and adoption legislation, making the Honor and Remember Flag their state symbol of remembrance.

5. If you know of a Gold Star family (family that has lost someone in military service) in your community, please consider sponsoring an Honor and Remember Flag for them. Sponsoring a flag means paying for the personalization of a flag that pays tribute to their loved one and organizing a special presentation of the flag to the family.

6. Consider setting up a table at local events to have petitions signed and to hand out Honor and Remember literature.

7. Contact local radio and TV stations and newspapers and educate them about the Honor and Remember Flag. We are very willing to do interviews to educate the public and increase awareness. Contact when there are flag presentations or fundraising events.

8. Call or write to a local or national radio or TV talk show personalities and educate them about the flag, encouraging them to visit the Honor and Remember website for more information. Sean Hannity is a good start. Also please thank Dennis Miller for his strong support!

9. Share your ideas about raising awareness for Honor and Remember with us. We are always looking for new ways to get the word out.

10. You could also get more involved personally by organizing an official state chapter in your state, volunteering in an existing chapter or perhaps organizing one of our Run for the Fallen events.

11. There are many expenses involved in conducting this national initiative. Any support you can give is essential. If every supporter donated just $5.00 a month we would be able to provide flags to thousands of families in total fulfillment of our charitable goal. Or perhaps you could organize a local fundraiser to help us share the message and reach families. Click here for donation options.

Fill out VOLUNTEER FORM here

Honor and Remember, Inc. is an IRS approved 501(c) (3) charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible.

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